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The mission of DFIRmadness is to share the “thrill of the hunt” through teaching the art of Defensive Forensics, Incident Response, and Threat Hunting.  There are countless websites that teach you “how to hack” and pentest. However, there is not a lot that teaches you how to find the adversary in your network.  DFIRmadness is not solely limited to defensive techniques and plenty of great offensive tactics will be shared as well.

The second mission is to guide folks through the process of learning how to get into Cyber Security by explaining what the fundamentals are and where to learn them through free or inexpensive resources. Feel free to reach out to me at any time through the resources provided.

Lastly, I am very fortunate to have some very skilled and successful friends in the business who are excited to share their knowledge.  You will see their posts throughout the site as well. If you’re new to digital forensics, you might find the Tips for Muggles column a good place to start.

Happy Hunting,


James Smith, DFIRmadness

James Smith, founder
