Computer Networking

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Networking. For soldiers to fight effectively they must know how to read a map. Whether you want to rain shells and fury upon the enemy, or hunt dangerous adversaries in the wires, you must know how get around.

Here is the table of skills and knowledge to be able work effectively with computer networks:

  • OSI Model
  • TCP/IP Model
  • TCP vs UDP
  • Packet Analysis
  • Packet Capture
  • Routing
  • DNS
  • ARP
  • Subnets
  • Some resources to get started:

    NetworkingProfessor Messer Network+ - Collection of PCAPs filled with evil along free tutorials on how to find it with WireShark
    Any CCENT (Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician) Materials in ITPro.TV, Safari Books etc. Typically the first few chapters. Once it gets deep into iOS (Cisco Op System) specific material you’ve hit the limit of the fundamentals
    Todd Lammle Internetworking on ITPro - Todd Lammle gives an amazing internetworking fundamentals course in 15 minutes. Watch this often.
    ITPro 2018 CCENT Course - Remember you aren't getting the cert here, but watch the first few hours.
    Microsoft Network Fundamentals - Concise and to the point! Excellent videos.
    Associated Certifications (Good references): Net+, CCENT, CCNA
    Cisco Packet Tracer - Not only is this software free for personal use but they have some free intro courses there too.

    Make sure you check out the whole article for great tips on how to approach slaying this beast!