General Computing

Reading Time: < 1 minute

CompSci 101

General Computing. This could also be called, “Computer Science for n00bs”.

Here is the table of skills and knowledge a practitioner of the hacking arts should know at a minimum as they move into security.

General ComputingFunctions of:
  • CPU
  • RAM

  • Threads
  • Processes
  • Process Trees
  • Memory (RAM)
  • Caching
  • Buffers
  • Some resources to get started:

    General ComputingA+ Cert videos from Professor Messer and
    Remember the objectives from above. You aren't actually getting the cert.
    Threads v Processes video from udacity/Georgia Tech
    Professor Messer A+ Professor Messer A+
    Associated Certifications (Good references): A+ Books

    Make sure you check out the whole article for great tips on how to approach slaying this beast!