Linux / MacOS

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Linux is an amazing family of Operating Systems. It is the backbone of the internet in many ways. Whether you like using Linux or not (or you don’t know yet) you will need to know how to use it well if you want to excel in security or engineering you will need to know how to use Linux effectively.

To get started in Linux the following items are things a beginner should strive to be able to do and explain:

  • Directory Hierarchy
  • sudo accounts
  • /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd
  • ssh
  • telnet
  • ftp
  • Software Repositories
  • Be Familiar with Distributions: Kali, Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, RedHat

    w, find, whoami, which, who, ss, watch, ssh, lsof, ssh-add, top, htop, sudo, nano and vim.
  • Some resources to get started:

    LinuxOver The Wire Bandit - The most fun way to learn Linux. This site has many other goodies beyond Bandit games. Levels 0-10 are a solid intro into Linux.
    Kali Linux Revealed Free Legit PDF Downlaod - An extensive and **FREE** professional book on using Linux! Becoming A Linux Power User - A great video series to level up zero's, beginners and intermediate users.
    TCM's Linux Course - The TCM does it again. A well thought out course in Linux to get you started.
    Linux Journey - An amazing resource! With HTML labs you can do this anywhere on the go.

    Make sure you check out the whole article for great tips on how to approach slaying this beast!